Sponsor a Campaign

If you would like to sponsor a specific campaign, you can do so here. You can also make a General Donation to the program. If you would like to make a General Donation in the name of a loved one, please do so by dropping us a note on the donation memo. Our mission only stays alive with your support. We are 100% self-funded, and all of our dogs are placed fully equipped at absolutely no cost to the recipients.


Adaptive Play & Training Center


We are constructing an Adaptive Play & Training Center for Service Dogs of Veterans and Children. We believe this will give them a safe alternative to play, continue learning, continue bonding while giving the dog much needed play time; all without problematic environmental issues like untrained dogs and people .  More information →

Bred for Purpose Breeding Program


As a top quality breeder, we know the importance of good genetics. We still support our local shelter and rescue programs, but rescues are far less reliable as Service Dogs according to several published reports, and our own experience. We want to give our clients the very best, and believe a well-bred dog is often a better choice . More information →